Jazz Apple Tart
Jazz Apple season is in full swing again. I decided to make a smaller version of the gorgeous looking fine apple tart from Flour & Stone. I watched this video about 10 times, but still couldn’t get my apples to stand up the way they do. So I just cooked it the way it looks below.
Jazz Apple Tart
2 Jazz Apples
1 Puff Pastry Sheet
¼ cup pastry cream (recipe below)
1. Preheat oven to 200°C (180°C fan-forced).
2. Peel, core and halve apples. Thinly slice either using a knife or mandolin. Toss with a little lemon juice to prevent from browning.
3. Cut your sheet of puff pastry to size, and lay on a piece of baking paper on an oven tray. Curl up the edges of the pastry with your fingers. about 1cm inwards, and the dock pastry base with a fork.
4. Spread the pastry cream over the puff pastry, and arrange apples on top.
5. Brush apples and any exposed pastry with a lightly beaten egg white.
6. Bake for approx. 30 minutes, or until nicely browned. If browning too quickly, reduce the temperature of the oven.
Pastry Cream
300ml full fat milk
30g unsalted good quality butter
pinch of salt
60g unrefined caster sugar
30g plain flour
3 free range egg yolk
1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped
1. Rinse a medium non-stick saucepan with cold water. Pour the milk in to the saucepan; add the butter, salt and the split vanilla pod and seeds. Bring to the boil over medium heat.
2. In a separate bowl whisk the egg yolks and sugar until pale in colour and form a light ribbon. Sift the flour over the eggs and mix to a smooth lump free paste.
Once the milk is boiling, turn the heat off, pour a ladle of boiling milk over the egg mixture, stir quickly till smooth. Repeat this a couple of times until half the boiling milk has been mixed in to the egg mix.
3. Pour the egg mix back in to the saucepan. Bring the mix back to the boil over medium heat, stirring continuously. Once boiling turn the heat right down to a gentle simmer, cook the pastry cream for 3 minutes. Pour the cooked pastry cream into a clean storage container; cover the surface with parchment paper or plastic, as this will prevent a skin forming. Keep the pastry cream in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days.
10 comments on “Jazz Apple Tart”
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Jazz Apple Tart
Michelle @ The Bakeanista
Jazz apples are my fav kind of apples!!! But I’ve never baked with them before. I’ll definitely have to try this recipe! I have some puff pastry in the freezer, few jazz apples in my fruit basket… I think I’m ready to go!!
Ok i thought this recipe was totes hard. I am glad that it is not.
YES!! It looked delicious and I wanted to make it!!
Gourmet Getaways
Great technique! The apples look sweet and crisp! My mum will love this!
Gourmet Getaways
Maureen | Orgasmic Chef
Yes, please! I love how you made this and it’s now my mine!
Sara |Belly Rumbles
Oh hoe deliciously gorgeous,I’ll take 2!
Love me a good crispy Jazz apple with its juicy-citrus tang. I wonder if it retains some of its crunch even after baking… This looks almost like a crispy-delicious Jazz apple pizza!
Helen | Grab Your Fork
Such a gorgeous looking tart!
Cara @ Gourmet Chick
Just gorgeous! And now I am seriously craving apple tart (and a Thermomix!)
Can I just say, just say… You’ve got the best “sprinkle-crack-over-dessert-with-a-tea-infuser” skill of all time… ALL TIME.
Love love love.. you are seriously a food styling queen!