Iron Chef Shellie

Pistachio Cookies

Meet my new favourite cookie, chocolate chip stuffed with pistachio paste.


When you cook this at home please tag me too - I love to see when other people give my recipes a go!


Pistachio Cookies
September 11, 2024
Recipes , Shellie Faves

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Pistachio Cookies

Pistachios were my favourite nuts to eat growing up. I loved snapping open the shells to have this yummy salty little morsel, and repeating the process over and over again until my fingers hurt.

When I saw this recipe by Ash Baber on socials and knew immediately I had to make it. And well, life got in the way and ‘immediately’ turned into months, but here we are. I already had a jar of pistachio paste in the pantry, as well as all the other ingredients on hand, so I finally made it happen.

As you’ll see this recipe uses cold butter. Ash says cold butter helps give you the thickest cookies, and he ain’t wrong, these were thick, soft and delicious.

These are honestly some of the best cookies I’ve ever eaten. I gave 3 out of the 6 I made away, and there was some good reviews from the others that tried them. I think I’ll be making another batch very soon with the leftover pistachio paste.

Pistachio Cookies

Ash Baber
Print Recipe
Servings 4


  • 6 tbsp pistachio spread
  • 120g unsalted butter, cold
  • 100g light brown sugar
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 280g plain flour
  • 2 tbsp corn flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 200g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 80g pistachios, slightly chopped


  • Add the 6 tbsps of the pistachio spread onto a baking paper lined tray in individual dollops. You can either use a spoon to do this, or put the pistachio spread into a piping bag and pipe the dollops. Leave this in your freezer.
  • In a large bowl, add the cold butter, both sugars and vanilla, beat together for 5 minutes. Add the eggs and egg yolk and beat to combine.
  • In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, corn flour, baking powder and salt. Add this into the other bowl, along with the chopped chocolate and pistachios. Mix everything together until you can no longer see any flour.
  • Divide this dough into 6 pieces, each piece around 150g.
  • Get one of the cookie dough pieces, flatten it out, then add one piece of the frozen pistachio spread into the centre. Roll this into a ball, making sure the pistachio spread is fully covered.
  • Repeat this with the rest of the cookie dough, then place these onto a tray and freeze for an hour.
  • About 10 minutes before you're ready to bake them, pre-heat your oven to 220°C.
  • Place your cookie dough balls on a large baking paper lined tray, making sure to leave gaps between them so they have room to spread.
  • Bake the cookies for around 20-22 minutes.
  • Leave your cookies to cool on the tray for about 10-15 minutes before trying to pick them up, they will be too soft at first. But then enjoy!

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Pistachio Cookies

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Shellie Froidevaux

All content on this site is by Shellie Froidevaux - aka Iron Chef Shellie. Her skills include recipe development, food styling in her kitchen studio, lifestyle and travel photography, restaurant photography on location, styling and shooting social media for her clients and photography workshops for people who really want to change their game :)

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