Leftover Porchetta Ramen
This is not really a secret recipe or anything, it’s just a hack that we love to do at home. We always have slices of leftover porchetta or roast pork in our freezer ready to go for when we can’t be bothered cooking.

- Choose your favourite instant ramen, we like to pick some up from the Japanese grocer. Cook following packet instructions.
- Thinly slice leftover porchetta or roast pork, pan fry in a small amount of oil, we like to use the Yuzu Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Mount Zero Olives and Mountain Yuzu.
- Place pork and ramen into a bowl and slurp to enjoy!
This is all you need to do for a delicious pimped instant ramen. If you want to step it up further:
- Finely sliced spring onions
- Nori sheet or Alg Seaweed Rainbow Seaweed Flakes
- A few slices of narutomaki, Japanese fish cake with the spiral
- Hard boiled egg, cooked to your liking
- Finely sliced wood ear mushrooms
- Grated toasted sesames
- Shichimi Togarashi, Japanese chilli powder
- Serve with a size of gyoza if you are feeling extra fancy!

Leftover Porchetta Ramen