Iron Chef Shellie

Norwegian Style Waffles

When you find Norway's favourite brown cheese in a gourmet store in Melbourne, it's time to make waffles!


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Norwegian Style Waffles
August 29, 2024
Recipes , Shellie Faves

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Norwegian Style Waffles

When I found brunost recently at a local gourmet food store in town, I knew waffles were in my not too distant future.

Brunost is the common Norwegian name for a family of soft cheese-related foods made with whey, milk, and or cream. The characteristic brown colour and sweet taste result from milk sugars being caramelised after boiling.

I’ve enjoyed many waffles in Norway, in cafes and most commonly when catching a ferry over a small stretch of water. I always order the popular strawberry jam and brown cheese combination. There’s something about the sweet caramely creamy cheesiness that pairs so well with strawberry jam. No other jam I think would go as well as strawberry.

If you can’t get brown cheese, fear not, just enjoy it with strawberry jam and whipped cream or even a dollop of sour cream.

Norwegian Style Waffles

Iron Chef Shellie
Print Recipe


  • 3 eggs, room temperature
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 210g sour cream, room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 120g unsalted butter, melted
  • 300g plain flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 300ml milk
  • spray oil

To Serve

  • Norwegian brown cheese
  • Strawberry jam
  • Whipped cream


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Add the sour cream and vanilla and whisk until combined. Add in butter and whisk until combined.
  • Add the flour, baking powder and milk and whisk until just combined, be careful not to over mix.
  • Preheat the waffle maker and spray with oil.
  • Pour just over ΒΌ cup of a cup of batter into the waffle maker and cook for 3-4 mins or until golden brown and crispy on the outside. Repeat with remaining waffle batter.
  • Serve warm or at room temperature with jam and brown cheese OR jam and whipped cream.

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Norwegian Style Waffles

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Shellie Froidevaux

All content on this site is by Shellie Froidevaux - aka Iron Chef Shellie. Her skills include recipe development, food styling in her kitchen studio, lifestyle and travel photography, restaurant photography on location, styling and shooting social media for her clients and photography workshops for people who really want to change their game :)

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