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This Far Away Has Never Been So Close
A New Book That Celebrates Coming Together
We love this book because it’s GENUINE. Every meal was real, every dish was eaten. The recipes are what happens when you meet new people in a far away place and bring together your culinary stories.
Each chapter offers a complete menu to feed a dozen people. You don’t need a cabin in the Arctic to enjoy the recipes, just a gang of friends to enjoy your cooking. This book was inspired by our regular travels north to cater for groups, by the necessities of cabin life, and by the amazing people who thrive in these beautiful remote locations.
We wanted to share what makes this part of the world so beautiful, and how you can enjoy a little of their cuisine with worthy guests.

Cabin Fever Cookbook
“The beautiful cookbook from a long way north”
Shellie Froidevaux + Ewen Bell
ISBN 978-0-6489442-1-8
426 Pages
102 Recipes
20 Meal Plans
14 Cabins
2 Years in the making
Eric Branman
This cookbook is stunningly beautiful and the recipes look fantastic without being overly complicated which is often a turn off from other cookbooks. I appreciate the variety of cuisines represented from the Scandinavian countries, as well as, from Asia. Now, if only Iron Chef Shellie could come over and cook with us!!
Iron Chef Shellie
Thank you Eric for your lovely feedback! Wouldn’t be an Iron Chef Shellie cookbook if there wasn’t an Asian twist thrown in there somewhere! Will happily cook for you guys any day!
Ewen Bell
I’ve no doubt you can do most of the recipes in this book, even with arm wrapped in a plaster cast!
Andrew Chesshire
A beautiful book with deliciously different recipes that are easy to follow and all with the wow factor to impress my friends…the lovely photos also help provide inspiration to us mere mortals so thank you and well done
Iron Chef Shellie
Thank you Andrew! We try to keep recipes as simple as possible, nothing worse that finding a recipe with 50 ingredients and even more steps to complete the recipe!
David Morring
I love this. Amazing photography and I love finding recipes from around the world.
Iron Chef Shellie
Thank you David, so happy to hear you are enjoying it!
Lynda Kresge
A real gem, and a treasure for anyone who loves cooking, eating, photography and travel! A celebration of all that, and an extra special gift for 2020. Thank you!.
Iron Chef Shellie
Thank you Lynda! A treasure for all indeed! So lovely hearing how much you enjoyed it!
Rachel Smith
Your cookbook is spectacular… I’ve given it to myself as an early Xmas present and I think this weekend *might* be devoted to making a Raspberry and Cinnamon Braid OR oat and coconut crackles. Both can be popped in the kid’s lunchbox too of course (if they last that long!) Thanks Ewan and Shellie for the beautiful, uplifting photos and recipes – this will be much treasured xx
Iron Chef Shellie
Merry Christmas to you Rachel! Hope you have a great and delicious weekend trying the recipes, and thank you for your lovely feedback!
Ewen Bell
Thanks so much for sharing a little kindness Rachel 🙂 Wish you lived closer and could pop around for Fika every now and then! Have a great Christmas up there and hope your family enjoy trying some of the recipes.
Billy & Phoebe Low
Merry Christmas Shellie and Ewen! Finally managed to download the eBook to my iPad using Apple Books as a Christmas surprise for 2020. What a stunning production with stylish Scandi chic! Now to try out some of recipes. Kudos to both of you.